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Monday 18 August 2014

Raye's 23rd in Abaco, Bahamas: Part 1

This post is so late but we've been having so much fun that I barely got a chance to blog. The first half of my trip to Abaco was AMAZING! My girls and I had such a good time. Too bad they had to leave so soon I wish they could have stayed a little bit longer.
Kenneia and I arrived Thursday morning and the fun and laughter started almost immediately. The plane ride was hilarious because it was bumpy so Kenneia was panicking a little.

When we landed in Abaco our taxi driver Mrs. Burrows picked us up from the airport and carried us to get food for the condo.I think we were just excited for the weekend because we had fun just clowning around in the grocery store. We spent the majority of the day resting up for that night...well Kenneia did (haha).

I just wanted to get into that pool I couldn't wait for it.
I got everyone stemless wine glasses and mini bottles of alcohol as a thank you for coming to Abaco. They loved them! They talked about them all weekend. I thought they were so cute.
We met up with the guys later that evening and that's exactly when the crazy fun began. Our first stop was Rum Runners and we ran into my cousin Bj who works there.
Our first night in Abaco was so much fun! Wow is all I can say. We had such a good time that night. I wont go into detail because what happens in Abaco stays in Abaco :).

Nes arrived on Friday and we all went to Curly Tails for lunch and then in the pool at the condo. We made plans to go to Snappas that night but the power went out. Although the power was off I think we had more fun staying in at the condo than we would have at Snappas. We spent the night playing card & drinking games and telling stories. It's amazing how fast everyone got along. I feel like we've known each for years.

Saturday the girls and I took the ferry to Hope Town. When we pulled into the ferry dock we passed the Hope Town lighthouse and decided we would rent bicycles to go and see it.
We had no idea where we were going and rode for about twenty minutes before asking for directions. That's when we found out that in order to get to the lighthouse we would have to catch the ferry to it. How unfortunate. So we opted for lunch and beaching instead.

That night we went out with the guys to Club Glo and D&R. It wasn't as fun as the night we spent with the power off but we still had an awesome time.

We ran into a friend of ours who was also in Abaco celebrating her birthday. Happy Birthday Cherish!

Sunday we took a boat to Guana Cay and went to Nippers and Grabbers. It was so pretty out there we had to take a family photo in the picture frame on the beach.
After leaving Guana Cay we went to Treasure Cay for fish fry to enjoy our last night together. It was bittersweet. Bitter because my girls were leaving in the morning but sweet because I was one day closer to being 23. I had an amazing weekend I don't think I can say that enough. This was by far the best birthday that I have ever had. And I have so many people to thank for that.

Look out for part two of my 23rd Birthday trip to Abaco. I'll share more pictures from my trip in a separate blog post. Talk to you guys soon!

Raye xo

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