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Thursday 4 December 2014

Life Update

I've been missing in action for such a long time that I actually feel guilty writing this post lol. So much has happened while I've been gone; good and bad. But I promised myself that I would start blogging as soon as this semester was over. I don't even know where to start with all the changes that I've experienced over the last 3-4 months, and I'm not sure if I should mention them all just yet. One thing that I do want to share though is my new job. I just started working at Renu Day Spa and I love it! The atmosphere, my employers and coworkers are all so awesome.

Besides my excitement over my new job, I'm also happy about my one year anniversary coming up for my big chop. December 21st makes one year since I made that bold decision to cut off all of my permed ends and rock a teeny, tiny, curly afro. It also makes one year since I fell in love with my hair for the first time ever. I don't know what I should do to celebrate it or if I should even do anything. I'm new to this lol do naturals celebrate these kinds of things? I have no clue. I must say though, cutting my own hair was so liberating and I really enjoyed my little afro.

I think that's it for now...


Oh! One more thing
...I'm not one of those "new year, new me" type of people, BUT, I do have a lot planned for 2015 so I hope that I'm able to blog about if not all, then most of it. Please pray that I don't get lazy or discouraged because that has been so easy for me lately. I usually have a list of things that I want to accomplish, and then the end of the year rolls around and I'm so frustrated with myself for not making it through my list. But I've realized that I have to stop being so anxious about finishing things on my time because it's not up to me when things happen.

As I'm sitting here typing this I got an email from "Today's Word with Joel & Victoria" (LOVE Joel Osteen) and the Word for today is about the time that has already been set by God. How funny is it that that I'm talking about getting discouraged and I get an email about how waiting for a dream to come to pass, or for a problem to turn around can lead to frustration? In this Word for today, Joel talks about how important it is to realize, the moment you prayed, God established a set time to bring the promise to pass. There's a set time for our healing, promotion, opportunity and breakthrough. And once we understand and accept that everything happens in God's set time, it takes the pressure off. So someone like me doesn't have to go through life feeling discouraged or frustrated.

I just thought I would share that because I love how God uses the smallest things to reach out to me the exact moment I need Him to. And because I hope that it in some way helps you to stay encouraged throughout 2015.

If you would like to receive a daily Word from Joel and Victoria Osteen, visit their website at and you'll see a tab on the Home Page where you can sign up to receive their free daily devotionals.

Okay, that's definitely it for now. Talk to you guys in the next post!

Raye xo


  1. Thanks for sharing so inspiring love it

    Keep blogging! ( i wrote alot more but i had to sign in and it didnt save my comment
