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Saturday 19 July 2014

Intro Post/Nassau Trip

I'm so happy that I've finally found the time to write my first blog post! This was initially supposed to be an introductory post but I decided to add a little more to it than just an introduction. First off my name is Rayeisa (ray-e-sa) Basden and I'm 22 years old, turning 23 on the 19th of August (yay!). I'm from the beautiful islands of The Bahamas and I've lived here my entire life; I absolutely love it. I'm a lover of all things fashion, beauty and travel related and that’s exactly what my blog is going to be about.
I dream about spending my early twenties traveling and now that I’m nearly in my third year with only two destinations that I’ve visited I’m in panic mode. When I was younger I traveled a lot with my mum and other family members. We visited the US, mainly Ft Lauderdale, FL, 2 or 3 times a year and I always loved going over. The times that we weren’t in Fort Lauderdale, we spent our vacations cruising the Caribbean. So far I’ve visited Mexico, The Cayman Islands, Jamaica and Key West (It’s part of the US, I know). I believe that there is so much out there for me to see. This earth is so huge why should I spend the rest of my life confined to my little island in the sun? I love my country and I believe it is one of the most beautiful places that I will ever see. So what I want to do is spend this next year island hopping as much as possible. I’ve already visited Abaco in February and Bimini during my Easter break from school, I went to Nassau last week and now I’m waiting to go back to Abaco for my birthday in August. I cannot wait to share that experience with you guys! But for now, enjoy these pictures from my trip to Nassau last week. They're mostly of my friends that I met during the two years that I've lived there, and the view from my hotel room. Talk to you guys in the next post! You’re welcome to leave comments and send me emails I would love to hear from you! Raye xo


  1. I totally agree, why settle for a simple island under the sun! Love it but lets see more. Wishing you nothing but God's blessings. #proudsister

    1. Awwww! Love you Sha Sha just seeing this lol
